
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

12s Concentration Critique

Part 1- Self Reflection-
Discuss your concentration. Type your critique using Word, add it to your journal.
  1. Identify the topic, how is it meaning full to you?
  2. How is your message communicated?
  3. What are you trying to say about your topic through your images? Site specific examples.
  4. Of the different mediums that you used to portray your concentration, which do you think works best with your topic? Explain why and give specific examples.
Post 4 or more of your Concentration photos in VoiceThread. Email the link to your buddies, or post the link to your Lunatic Fringe page so they can find your VoiceThread post to comment.

Part 2- Reflect on Photos of 3 Buddies (note new buddy group)
  1. Identify topic of the concentration.
  2. How is the message communicated?
  3. Which image best communicates the topic (explain why/how)?


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

JR's Inside Out Project

JR, a semi-anonymous French street artist, uses his camera to show the world its true face, by pasting photos of the human face across massive canvases. At TED2011, he makes his audacious TED Prize wish: to use art to turn the world inside out. Learn more about his work and learn how you can join in at insideoutproject.net.
Women are Heros Trailer

Part A
Choose one of the following topics from JR’s InsideOutside Project. Find an image from the series that you are noting and add the photo(s) and your comment in your journal/blog:
  1. What was the initial intention of JR’s first installation project? Was it effective? Why or why not? Give examples of his work and explain its impact on the community.
  2. Select an image, or series that impacted you, explain how it has impacted you and the community that it was created for.
  3. How does JR’s art make a difference? Site a specific series and specific images. Explain the reason for the images and potential impact that it has on the community.
Part B
Visit "VoiceThread" select an image and comment either via microphone, typing, or email...VoiceThread

Part C
Now consider and discuss the following in your journal and on the ning site:
  1. Define your school community.
  2. What do you value about your school community?
  3. If it were threatened, how would you stand up for it?
  4. Based on your answers to #1, 2, 3 how could you best communicate this via the InsideOut project?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Please send words of hope for students in Japan:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Photoshop In-Class Assignment

We are going to take a portrait and turn it in to a vector image to give it a cartoon like appearance. Start with a digital portrait, open it in Photoshop and follow along. When you are done, we are going to pull it into Comic Life and add a quote, song lyric, or poem...

Here are a few tutorials:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pumpkin Pinhole!

My Cookie Eating Monsters!

Here's a short video from someone named BARKS making a fun pumpkin pinhole. Pay attention to the time and effort it takes to make a functioning camera with no light leaks! But more importantly, take CLOSER attention to the beautiful images that this pumpkin camera makes! They're incredible! There are plenty of other things you can use, but this video kind of shows you what is involved so be CREATIVE and try it out! Bring ideas to class on Monday!

Edible Pumpkin Pinhole Camera- the making of from BARKS on Vimeo.

Self Critique for Self Portrait/Alter Ego Essay Assignment

Dear Wonderful 12s,

Here are what you'll need to keep in mind when you're writing your self critique essays for the Self Portrait/Alter Ego project:

1. When you look at your self portrait, is it how you see yourself and is it how you want others to see you? Why?

2. Are there any emotional qualities that you portray in your self portraits? Were you successful or unsuccessful? How could you have made them better?

3. Your alter ego, how does it differ from your self portrait? Why did you choose this as your alter ego?

4. Does your alter ego bring out an something that is dark or light? How did it make you feel to become this other person? Were you uncomfortable? Can you see your alter ego fit into portions of your daily lives in a certain degree?

Take time to really analyze your images and write up an comprehensive reflection paper of this project. This is for you to introspectively study yourself and become inspired with new ideas. If you know yourself, you can better make work that you are passionate about. Please please PLEASE don't just answer the questions. I want to read an actual essay and this is worth 10 points towards your overall total. So it shouldn't have any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, etc. One page typed up.

Due Monday March 7th.