
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

12s Survey

All Grade 12s are required to complete this survey:

I will give you a special # assigned just for you.

There are 2 sections, after section 1, it will say thank-you + then there are a few more question.

12 Still Life

Texture, Glass, Metal Stil Life

You are to create three studio still life compositions using metal, glass and textured objects. Compose a series of photos for each object; include backgrounds, a table and covering, and use one or two lights. Be creative with your objects, consider the compositions, backgrounds, exposures, depth of field (you are the art director, photographer and technician). For each you are to set-up your lighting carefully. Try different lighting techniques to gain a greater understanding of lighting styles. Try to vary the lighting intensity to vary the depth of field. Brighter lights= more in focus. Remember compostition techniques and be creative to make your simple objects extraordinary!

Contact Sheet(s) and 3 Prints Due April 19 in your Portfolio.

Project Criteria

Define LFAS/Why Art Matters

Post a comment below, or visit my event on facebook:
We are looking forward to your response.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spontaneous Combustion- Year End Show

It's that time of year... start getting your major piece together for the final show! YooHoo!!
Dates to Remember:
  • May 8, 1-5 || Manditory Rehearsal Sunday ||
  • May 9 & 10, afterschool 3-6 || Rehearsals || (only students working for the show being rehearsed have to be there)
  • May 10 & 11, 7pm || SHOW TIME || (curtain call @6pm, door opens at 6:45pm) You must be there for both nights, either you will be in the audience for your piece, or you will assist the running of the show.
Year End Show Criteria
  1. Plan/Music Selection
  2. Contact Sheet
  3. Edit, Organize & Manipulate Images
  4. Final Projected Light Extravaganza
  5. Critique
Official Spontaneous Combustion Criteria

Monday, April 4, 2011

Final Show Inspiration

What sort of visual compositions are used in Adele's Rolling in the Deep?
What sort of story/theme is communicated?

Post an inspiring music video for others to check out.
Comment on why you recommend this video. Mention visual elements that attracted you to it and how the images work with the music.