
Monday, February 28, 2011

Alter Ego Critique

Hello Class,

We will be having a critique on Tuesday for your Self Portrait/Alter Ego shoots. Please keep in mind that if you didn't hand in your assignment today (Monday, February 28th) you will have received zero on this project.

Donna and I are not accepting any late assignments for this project as you all have had an entire month to work on it AND we have reduced the printing requirements to 2 8x10 contact sheets and 2 8x10 FINAL prints. If you did more (ie the 5x7 work prints, you will receive bonus marks).

Some things to keep in mind while we do our critique and you will be required to write a reflection for your OWN pieces:

1. When you look at your self portrait, is it how you see yourself and is it how you want others to see you? Why?

2. Are there any emotional qualities that you portray in your self portraits? Were you successful or unsuccessful? How could you have made them better?

3. Your alter ego, how does it differ from your self portrait? Why did you choose this as your alter ego?

4. Does your alter ego bring out an something that is dark or light? How did it make you feel to become this other person? Were you uncomfortable? Can you see your alter ego fit into portions of your daily lives in a certain degree?

Take time to really analyze your images and write up an comprehensive reflection paper of this project. This is for you to introspectively study yourself and become inspired with new ideas. If you know yourself, you can better make work that you are passionate about. Please please PLEASE don't just answer the questions. I want to read an actual essay.
Due Monday March 7th.

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